Our Journey
What a perfect picture this is to depict our life together. It was at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where we met. Larry was studying for a life in ministry as a youth pastor while Rhonda had her eyes (and heart) set serving on the mission field. Our paths crossed briefly after Rhonda returned from a school sponsored missions trip to the Choctaw Tribe of Oklahoma. During the next summer break we actually connected, through a blind date of sorts, by another mutual friend, an international student from Uganda.
Over the years God has given us many different doors to travel through. We've worked with children and teens while on staff at several different churches. We've been volunteer leaders in a number of church ministries. We've even packed up our family and moved out of state to help plant a church in Joliet, Illinois. You could say serving God in big ways is a just part of who we are!
It was in 2007 that Rhonda finally realized her chance to head out again on her second missions trip. This time to Nairobi, Kenya. It was while attending nursing school that she was invited to go use some of her newly learned skills in Kibera, one of the largest slums in the world. Needless to say, because of her experience the Voss family would never see life the same way again. Since then we've traveled back to Kenya many times to assist First Love in a variety of ways. Our involvement with First Love has steadily grown: from hearing about their work, to collecting needed supplies, joining work teams, sponsoring orphans and a college student, to advocating for them by spreading the word of their amazing work around the world.
The next door for us was moving to Kenya to join the First Love Children’s Home team. April 1st of 2016 we moved to Kenya to serve with First Love Kenya. Our primary role will be to develop relationships with the kids and find creative ways to mentor them. We will each have additional roles; Larry will work on projects around the children's home property and Rhonda will oversee medical needs for the children and staff.